What To Do If You Need An Eye Exam But You Don't Have Insurance

Has your vision begun to weaken, making it a struggle to live your daily life? If you constantly struggle to see — whether from up close or far away — it is time for an eye exam. If you are uninsured, it may be challenging to understand how to go about receiving eye care. Bogey Hills Vision Center in Saint Charles, MO, is here to solve your issues with our no-insurance eye care options! Learn more below and visit our website to book your appointment today!

Out of Pocket Payments

If you are currently uninsured, you have the option to pay out of pocket for your eye care needs. Whether you require an eye exam, glasses, contact lenses, or any other type of eye care, rest assured that we offer affordable options that will not break the bank!


At Bogey Hills Vision Center, we offer clients the option to purchase a voucher that can be transferred to anyone and redeemed at any time. With this voucher, the user can complete an eye exam with no insurance, receive glasses or contacts, and complete other eye care services. This is the perfect option for people interested in gifting eye care to others or saving for yourself for future needs.

Everyone Deserves Eye Care

We believe that everyone deserves to have the vision they desire. We do not discriminate based on whether or not you have insurance, as we offer the options you need to receive adequate and affordable care.

Our Services are Still Affordable without Insurance

Although you may fear paying out of pocket for services due to not having insurance, at Bogey Hills Vision Center, we offer affordable eye care options that will not leave you with a huge expense. Our experts can guide you through the pricing of every service and vision option so that you can know beforehand roughly how much you will pay!

Having no insurance should not stop you from receiving the eye care you deserve. Bogey Hills Vision Center aims to help anyone and everyone receive the proper vision they need to live life comfortably. Visit us online to learn more or to book an appointment!

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