COVID-19 has been a very difficult time for all of us. Many of you have been forced to wait for routine vision exams, and we deeply appreciate your understanding while we kept our office closed to routine vision care to help control the spread of the Covid-19 virus.

We are happy to say that we are planning to reopen our office for all of your vision care needs on Monday June 1, 2020. Our hours of operation will be the same as they were before the quarantine. We are excited to be seeing you back in the office soon.

Your health and well being continue to be our highest priority, and we are ONLY opening because we have carefully planned and revised our office procedures to greatly minimize the risk of infection for our patients and our team members at Bogey Hills Vision Center.

For your peace of mind, the measures we will be taking to provide a safe visit for you include, but are not limited to, the following:

Upon Your Arrival at the Office:

  • All of our doctors and staff will be wearing medical grade masks, and we will require all of our patients to wear masks. If you forget yours or don’t have one we will provide a new mask to you.

  • We will be sending you a link to fill out our office forms and to take a picture of your medical insurance card so that we will have this information in your chart before you arrive for your appointment.

  • Patients will be screened BEFORE entering the office and temperatures will be checked. Any patients showing signs of a fever or other symptoms of illness will be asked to reschedule their appointment.

  • We will be requesting that all patients upon entry into the office use a hand sanitizer and refrain from using their cell phone.

  • ONLY patients will be allowed entry into the office. Parents and other family members will be asked to wait outside unless we are seeing a small child or elderly patient that requires a family member or caregiver to be able to perform the eye exam.

  • Patients will be asked to call us when they arrive at our office, and wait in their cars until we are able to take them directly from the front door into an exam room, so that we can limit the number of patients in the office at one time.

  • The front door will be open; however we will have a greeter there for temperature screening and to help manage the number of patients in the office at one time, allowing us to practice with appropriate social distancing.

During the eye exam:

  • All rooms will be COMPLETELY sterilized before each patient is seated, and public areas, including restrooms, will be cleaned and sterilized frequently throughout the day.

  • Our team will STRICTLY follow guidelines set forth by the CDC, OSHA, and the AOA in regards to personal protective equipment (PPE) and office sterilization.

  • All surfaces that came in contact with the patient will be wiped with disinfectant including the patient chair and the accessory chair where the patient placed their personal items and or coat.

  • We are requiring all patients to have an optos retinal exam. This will allow the doctors to examine your retina without having to be extremely close to your face and possibly cause an additional risk of infection to you. If your insurance doesn’t cover this, the cost of the test is $32. This amount is discounted, if you have 4 or more family members having eye exams this year.

  • We have purchased a large UV disinfection unit, so that after a patient tries on a frame the frame is then disinfected before it is put back on the board. This is to assure you that the frames you try on are germ and COVID-19 free.

Checking Out After Your Appointment

  • Clear panels will be in place at the front desk to protect against sneeze droplets from either side.

  • We will be emailing your credit card receipts and any invoices from your visit to avoid passing any germs or the COVID-19 virus through paper transfer.

We are proceeding with much abundance of caution, but we want you to feel as confident as we do that any visit you make to our office will be a safe one.

We look forward to seeing you soon!

  • Alan S. Kwiatek OD

  • M Jean Bennett OD, FAAO

  • Rachael E Merriman OD

  • Stephen D. McCullough OD